Service Name | Port Number | Transport Protocol | Description |
0 | tcp | Reserved | |
0 | udp | Reserved | |
tcpmux | 1 | tcp | TCP Port Service Multiplexer |
tcpmux | 1 | udp | TCP Port Service Multiplexer |
compressnet | 2 | tcp | Management Utility |
compressnet | 2 | udp | Management Utility |
compressnet | 3 | tcp | Compression Process |
compressnet | 3 | udp | Compression Process |
4 | tcp | Unassigned | |
4 | udp | Unassigned | |
rje | 5 | tcp | Remote Job Entry |
rje | 5 | udp | Remote Job Entry |
6 | tcp | Unassigned | |
6 | udp | Unassigned | |
echo | 7 | tcp | Echo |
echo | 7 | udp | Echo |
8 | tcp | Unassigned | |
8 | udp | Unassigned | |
discard | 9 | tcp | Discard |
discard | 9 | udp | Discard |
discard | 9 | sctp | Discard |
discard | 9 | dccp | Discard |
10 | tcp | Unassigned | |
10 | udp | Unassigned | |
systat | 11 | tcp | Active Users |
systat | 11 | udp | Active Users |
12 | tcp | Unassigned | |
12 | udp | Unassigned | |
daytime | 13 | tcp | Daytime |
daytime | 13 | udp | Daytime |
14 | tcp | Unassigned | |
14 | udp | Unassigned | |
15 | tcp | Unassigned [was netstat] | |
15 | udp | Unassigned | |
16 | tcp | Unassigned | |
16 | udp | Unassigned | |
qotd | 17 | tcp | Quote of the Day |
qotd | 17 | udp | Quote of the Day |
msp | 18 | tcp | Message Send Protocol (historic) |
msp | 18 | udp | Message Send Protocol (historic) |
chargen | 19 | tcp | Character Generator |
chargen | 19 | udp | Character Generator |
ftp-data | 20 | tcp | File Transfer [Default Data] |
ftp-data | 20 | udp | File Transfer [Default Data] |
ftp-data | 20 | sctp | FTP |
ftp | 21 | tcp | File Transfer Protocol [Control] |
ftp | 21 | udp | File Transfer Protocol [Control] |
ftp | 21 | sctp | FTP |
ssh | 22 | tcp | The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol |
ssh | 22 | udp | The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol |
ssh | 22 | sctp | SSH |
telnet | 23 | tcp | Telnet |
telnet | 23 | udp | Telnet |
24 | tcp | any private mail system | |
24 | udp | any private mail system | |
smtp | 25 | tcp | Simple Mail Transfer |
smtp | 25 | udp | Simple Mail Transfer |
26 | tcp | Unassigned | |
26 | udp | Unassigned | |
nsw-fe | 27 | tcp | NSW User System FE |
nsw-fe | 27 | udp | NSW User System FE |
28 | tcp | Unassigned | |
28 | udp | Unassigned | |
msg-icp | 29 | tcp | MSG ICP |
msg-icp | 29 | udp | MSG ICP |
30 | tcp | Unassigned | |
30 | udp | Unassigned | |
msg-auth | 31 | tcp | MSG Authentication |
msg-auth | 31 | udp | MSG Authentication |
32 | tcp | Unassigned | |
32 | udp | Unassigned | |
dsp | 33 | tcp | Display Support Protocol |
dsp | 33 | udp | Display Support Protocol |
34 | tcp | Unassigned | |
34 | udp | Unassigned | |
35 | tcp | any private printer server | |
35 | udp | any private printer server | |
36 | tcp | Unassigned | |
36 | udp | Unassigned | |
time | 37 | tcp | Time |
time | 37 | udp | Time |
rap | 38 | tcp | Route Access Protocol |
rap | 38 | udp | Route Access Protocol |
rlp | 39 | tcp | Resource Location Protocol |
rlp | 39 | udp | Resource Location Protocol |
40 | tcp | Unassigned | |
40 | udp | Unassigned | |
graphics | 41 | tcp | Graphics |
graphics | 41 | udp | Graphics |
name | 42 | tcp | Host Name Server |
name | 42 | udp | Host Name Server |
nameserver | 42 | tcp | Host Name Server |
nameserver | 42 | udp | Host Name Server |
nicname | 43 | tcp | Who Is |
nicname | 43 | udp | Who Is |
mpm-flags | 44 | tcp | MPM FLAGS Protocol |
mpm-flags | 44 | udp | MPM FLAGS Protocol |
mpm | 45 | tcp | Message Processing Module [recv] |
mpm | 45 | udp | Message Processing Module [recv] |
mpm-snd | 46 | tcp | MPM [default send] |
mpm-snd | 46 | tcp | MPM [default send] |
mpm-snd | 46 | udp | MPM [default send] |
47 | tcp | Reserved | |
47 | udp | Reserved | |
auditd | 48 | tcp | Digital Audit Daemon |
auditd | 48 | udp | Digital Audit Daemon |
tacacs | 49 | tcp | Login Host Protocol (TACACS) |
tacacs | 49 | udp | Login Host Protocol (TACACS) |
re-mail-ck | 50 | tcp | Remote Mail Checking Protocol |
re-mail-ck | 50 | udp | Remote Mail Checking Protocol |
51 | Reserved | ||
xns-time | 52 | tcp | XNS Time Protocol |
xns-time | 52 | udp | XNS Time Protocol |
domain | 53 | tcp | Domain Name Server |
domain | 53 | udp | Domain Name Server |
xns-ch | 54 | tcp | XNS Clearinghouse |
xns-ch | 54 | udp | XNS Clearinghouse |
isi-gl | 55 | tcp | ISI Graphics Language |
isi-gl | 55 | udp | ISI Graphics Language |
xns-auth | 56 | tcp | XNS Authentication |
xns-auth | 56 | udp | XNS Authentication |
57 | tcp | any private terminal access | |
57 | udp | any private terminal access | |
xns-mail | 58 | tcp | XNS Mail |
xns-mail | 58 | udp | XNS Mail |
59 | tcp | any private file service | |
59 | udp | any private file service | |
60 | tcp | Unassigned | |
60 | udp | Unassigned | |
61 | tcp | Reserved | |
61 | udp | Reserved | |
acas | 62 | tcp | ACA Services |
acas | 62 | udp | ACA Services |
whoispp | 63 | tcp | whois++ IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "whois++". |
whois++ | 63 | tcp | whois++ |
whoispp | 63 | udp | whois++ IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "whois++". |
whois++ | 63 | udp | whois++ |
covia | 64 | tcp | Communications Integrator (CI) |
covia | 64 | udp | Communications Integrator (CI) |
tacacs-ds | 65 | tcp | TACACS-Database Service |
tacacs-ds | 65 | udp | TACACS-Database Service |
sql-net | 66 | tcp | Oracle SQL*NET IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "sql*net". |
sql*net | 66 | tcp | Oracle SQL*NET |
sql-net | 66 | udp | Oracle SQL*NET IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "sql*net". |
sql*net | 66 | udp | Oracle SQL*NET |
bootps | 67 | tcp | Bootstrap Protocol Server |
bootps | 67 | udp | Bootstrap Protocol Server |
bootpc | 68 | tcp | Bootstrap Protocol Client |
bootpc | 68 | udp | Bootstrap Protocol Client |
tftp | 69 | tcp | Trivial File Transfer |
tftp | 69 | udp | Trivial File Transfer |
gopher | 70 | tcp | Gopher |
gopher | 70 | udp | Gopher |
netrjs-1 | 71 | tcp | Remote Job Service |
netrjs-1 | 71 | udp | Remote Job Service |
netrjs-2 | 72 | tcp | Remote Job Service |
netrjs-2 | 72 | udp | Remote Job Service |
netrjs-3 | 73 | tcp | Remote Job Service |
netrjs-3 | 73 | udp | Remote Job Service |
netrjs-4 | 74 | tcp | Remote Job Service |
netrjs-4 | 74 | udp | Remote Job Service |
75 | tcp | any private dial out service | |
75 | udp | any private dial out service | |
deos | 76 | tcp | Distributed External Object Store |
deos | 76 | udp | Distributed External Object Store |
77 | tcp | any private RJE service | |
77 | udp | any private RJE service | |
vettcp | 78 | tcp | vettcp |
vettcp | 78 | udp | vettcp |
finger | 79 | tcp | Finger |
finger | 79 | udp | Finger |
http | 80 | tcp | World Wide Web HTTP |
http | 80 | udp | World Wide Web HTTP |
www | 80 | tcp | World Wide Web HTTP |
www | 80 | udp | World Wide Web HTTP |
www-http | 80 | tcp | World Wide Web HTTP |
www-http | 80 | udp | World Wide Web HTTP |
http | 80 | sctp | HTTP |
81 | Unassigned | ||
xfer | 82 | tcp | XFER Utility |
xfer | 82 | udp | XFER Utility |
mit-ml-dev | 83 | tcp | MIT ML Device |
mit-ml-dev | 83 | udp | MIT ML Device |
ctf | 84 | tcp | Common Trace Facility |
ctf | 84 | udp | Common Trace Facility |
mit-ml-dev | 85 | tcp | MIT ML Device |
mit-ml-dev | 85 | udp | MIT ML Device |
mfcobol | 86 | tcp | Micro Focus Cobol |
mfcobol | 86 | udp | Micro Focus Cobol |
87 | tcp | any private terminal link | |
87 | udp | any private terminal link | |
kerberos | 88 | tcp | Kerberos |
kerberos | 88 | udp | Kerberos |
su-mit-tg | 89 | tcp | SU/MIT Telnet Gateway |
su-mit-tg | 89 | udp | SU/MIT Telnet Gateway |
dnsix | 90 | tcp | DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map |
dnsix | 90 | udp | DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map |
mit-dov | 91 | tcp | MIT Dover Spooler |
mit-dov | 91 | udp | MIT Dover Spooler |
npp | 92 | tcp | Network Printing Protocol |
npp | 92 | udp | Network Printing Protocol |
npp | 92 | udp | Network Printing Protocol |
dcp | 93 | tcp | Device Control Protocol |
dcp | 93 | udp | Device Control Protocol |
objcall | 94 | tcp | Tivoli Object Dispatcher |
objcall | 94 | udp | Tivoli Object Dispatcher |
supdup | 95 | tcp | SUPDUP |
supdup | 95 | udp | SUPDUP |
dixie | 96 | tcp | DIXIE Protocol Specification |
dixie | 96 | udp | DIXIE Protocol Specification |
swift-rvf | 97 | tcp | Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol |
swift-rvf | 97 | udp | Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol |
tacnews | 98 | tcp | TAC News |
tacnews | 98 | udp | TAC News |
metagram | 99 | tcp | Metagram Relay |
metagram | 99 | udp | Metagram Relay |
100 | Unassigned | ||
hostname | 101 | tcp | NIC Host Name Server |
hostname | 101 | udp | NIC Host Name Server |
iso-tsap | 102 | tcp | ISO-TSAP Class 0 |
iso-tsap | 102 | udp | ISO-TSAP Class 0 |
gppitnp | 103 | tcp | Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net |
gppitnp | 103 | udp | Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net |
acr-nema | 104 | tcp | ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300 |
acr-nema | 104 | udp | ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300 |
cso | 105 | tcp | CCSO name server protocol |
cso | 105 | udp | CCSO name server protocol |
csnet-ns | 105 | tcp | Mailbox Name Nameserver |
csnet-ns | 105 | udp | Mailbox Name Nameserver |
3com-tsmux | 106 | tcp | 3COM-TSMUX |
3com-tsmux | 106 | udp | 3COM-TSMUX |
rtelnet | 107 | tcp | Remote Telnet Service |
rtelnet | 107 | udp | Remote Telnet Service |
snagas | 108 | tcp | SNA Gateway Access Server |
snagas | 108 | udp | SNA Gateway Access Server |
pop2 | 109 | tcp | Post Office Protocol - Version 2 |
pop2 | 109 | udp | Post Office Protocol - Version 2 |
pop3 | 110 | tcp | Post Office Protocol - Version 3 |
pop3 | 110 | udp | Post Office Protocol - Version 3 |
sunrpc | 111 | tcp | SUN Remote Procedure Call |
sunrpc | 111 | udp | SUN Remote Procedure Call |
mcidas | 112 | tcp | McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol |
mcidas | 112 | udp | McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol |
ident | 113 | tcp | |
auth | 113 | tcp | Authentication Service |
auth | 113 | udp | Authentication Service |
114 | unassigned | ||
sftp | 115 | tcp | Simple File Transfer Protocol |
sftp | 115 | udp | Simple File Transfer Protocol |
ansanotify | 116 | tcp | ANSA REX Notify |
ansanotify | 116 | udp | ANSA REX Notify |
uucp-path | 117 | tcp | UUCP Path Service |
uucp-path | 117 | udp | UUCP Path Service |
sqlserv | 118 | tcp | SQL Services |
sqlserv | 118 | udp | SQL Services |
nntp | 119 | tcp | Network News Transfer Protocol |
nntp | 119 | udp | Network News Transfer Protocol |
cfdptkt | 120 | tcp | CFDPTKT |
cfdptkt | 120 | udp | CFDPTKT |
erpc | 121 | tcp | Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call |
erpc | 121 | udp | Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call |
smakynet | 122 | tcp | SMAKYNET |
smakynet | 122 | udp | SMAKYNET |
ntp | 123 | tcp | Network Time Protocol |
ntp | 123 | udp | Network Time Protocol |
ansatrader | 124 | tcp | ANSA REX Trader |
ansatrader | 124 | udp | ANSA REX Trader |
locus-map | 125 | tcp | Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser |
locus-map | 125 | udp | Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser |
nxedit | 126 | tcp | NXEdit |
nxedit | 126 | udp | NXEdit |
locus-con | 127 | tcp | Locus PC-Interface Conn Server |
locus-con | 127 | udp | Locus PC-Interface Conn Server |
gss-xlicen | 128 | tcp | GSS X License Verification |
gss-xlicen | 128 | udp | GSS X License Verification |
pwdgen | 129 | tcp | Password Generator Protocol |
pwdgen | 129 | udp | Password Generator Protocol |
cisco-fna | 130 | tcp | cisco FNATIVE |
cisco-fna | 130 | udp | cisco FNATIVE |
cisco-tna | 131 | tcp | cisco TNATIVE |
cisco-tna | 131 | udp | cisco TNATIVE |
cisco-sys | 132 | tcp | cisco SYSMAINT |
cisco-sys | 132 | udp | cisco SYSMAINT |
statsrv | 133 | tcp | Statistics Service |
statsrv | 133 | udp | Statistics Service |
ingres-net | 134 | tcp | INGRES-NET Service |
ingres-net | 134 | udp | INGRES-NET Service |
epmap | 135 | tcp | DCE endpoint resolution |
epmap | 135 | udp | DCE endpoint resolution |
profile | 136 | tcp | PROFILE Naming System |
profile | 136 | udp | PROFILE Naming System |
netbios-ns | 137 | tcp | NETBIOS Name Service |
netbios-ns | 137 | udp | NETBIOS Name Service |
netbios-dgm | 138 | tcp | NETBIOS Datagram Service |
netbios-dgm | 138 | udp | NETBIOS Datagram Service |
netbios-ssn | 139 | tcp | NETBIOS Session Service |
netbios-ssn | 139 | udp | NETBIOS Session Service |
emfis-data | 140 | tcp | EMFIS Data Service |
emfis-data | 140 | udp | EMFIS Data Service |
emfis-cntl | 141 | tcp | EMFIS Control Service |
emfis-cntl | 141 | udp | EMFIS Control Service |
bl-idm | 142 | tcp | Britton-Lee IDM |
bl-idm | 142 | tcp | Britton-Lee IDM |
bl-idm | 142 | udp | Britton-Lee IDM |
imap | 143 | tcp | Internet Message Access Protocol |
imap | 143 | udp | Internet Message Access Protocol |
uma | 144 | tcp | Universal Management Architecture |
uma | 144 | udp | Universal Management Architecture |
uaac | 145 | tcp | UAAC Protocol |
uaac | 145 | udp | UAAC Protocol |
iso-tp0 | 146 | tcp | ISO-IP0 |
iso-tp0 | 146 | udp | ISO-IP0 |
iso-ip | 147 | tcp | ISO-IP |
iso-ip | 147 | udp | ISO-IP |
jargon | 148 | tcp | Jargon |
jargon | 148 | udp | Jargon |
aed-512 | 149 | tcp | AED 512 Emulation Service |
aed-512 | 149 | udp | AED 512 Emulation Service |
sql-net | 150 | tcp | SQL-NET |
sql-net | 150 | udp | SQL-NET |
hems | 151 | tcp | HEMS |
hems | 151 | udp | HEMS |
bftp | 152 | tcp | Background File Transfer Program |
bftp | 152 | udp | Background File Transfer Program |
sgmp | 153 | tcp | SGMP |
sgmp | 153 | udp | SGMP |
netsc-prod | 154 | tcp | NETSC |
netsc-prod | 154 | udp | NETSC |
netsc-dev | 155 | tcp | NETSC |
netsc-dev | 155 | udp | NETSC |
sqlsrv | 156 | tcp | SQL Service |
sqlsrv | 156 | udp | SQL Service |
knet-cmp | 157 | tcp | KNET/VM Command/ Message Protocol |
knet-cmp | 157 | udp | KNET/VM Command/ Message Protocol |
pcmail-srv | 158 | tcp | PCMail Server |
pcmail-srv | 158 | udp | PCMail Server |
nss-routing | 159 | tcp | NSS-Routing |
nss-routing | 159 | udp | NSS-Routing |
sgmp-traps | 160 | tcp | SGMP-TRAPS |
sgmp-traps | 160 | udp | SGMP-TRAPS |
snmp | 161 | tcp | SNMP |
snmp | 161 | udp | SNMP |
snmptrap | 162 | tcp | SNMPTRAP |
snmptrap | 162 | udp | SNMPTRAP |
cmip-man | 163 | tcp | CMIP/TCP Manager |
cmip-man | 163 | udp | CMIP/TCP Manager |
cmip-agent | 164 | tcp | CMIP/TCP Agent |
cmip-agent | 164 | udp | CMIP/TCP Agent |
xns-courier | 165 | tcp | Xerox |
xns-courier | 165 | udp | Xerox |
s-net | 166 | tcp | Sirius Systems |
s-net | 166 | udp | Sirius Systems |
namp | 167 | tcp | NAMP |
namp | 167 | udp | NAMP |
rsvd | 168 | tcp | RSVD |
rsvd | 168 | udp | RSVD |
send | 169 | tcp | SEND |
send | 169 | udp | SEND |
print-srv | 170 | tcp | Network PostScript |
print-srv | 170 | udp | Network PostScript |
multiplex | 171 | tcp | Network Innovations Multiplex |
multiplex | 171 | udp | Network Innovations Multiplex |
cl-1 | 172 | tcp | Network Innovations CL/1 IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "cl/1". |
cl/1 | 172 | tcp | Network Innovations CL/1 |
cl-1 | 172 | udp | Network Innovations CL/1 IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "cl/1". |
cl/1 | 172 | udp | Network Innovations CL/1 |
xyplex-mux | 173 | tcp | Xyplex |
xyplex-mux | 173 | udp | Xyplex |
mailq | 174 | tcp | MAILQ |
mailq | 174 | udp | MAILQ |
vmnet | 175 | tcp | VMNET |
vmnet | 175 | udp | VMNET |
genrad-mux | 176 | tcp | GENRAD-MUX |
genrad-mux | 176 | udp | GENRAD-MUX |
xdmcp | 177 | tcp | X Display Manager Control Protocol |
xdmcp | 177 | udp | X Display Manager Control Protocol |
nextstep | 178 | tcp | NextStep Window Server |
nextstep | 178 | udp | NextStep Window Server |
bgp | 179 | tcp | Border Gateway Protocol |
bgp | 179 | udp | Border Gateway Protocol |
bgp | 179 | sctp | BGP |
ris | 180 | tcp | Intergraph |
ris | 180 | udp | Intergraph |
unify | 181 | tcp | Unify |
unify | 181 | udp | Unify |
audit | 182 | tcp | Unisys Audit SITP |
audit | 182 | udp | Unisys Audit SITP |
ocbinder | 183 | tcp | OCBinder |
ocbinder | 183 | udp | OCBinder |
ocserver | 184 | tcp | OCServer |
ocserver | 184 | udp | OCServer |
remote-kis | 185 | tcp | Remote-KIS |
remote-kis | 185 | udp | Remote-KIS |
kis | 186 | tcp | KIS Protocol |
kis | 186 | udp | KIS Protocol |
aci | 187 | tcp | Application Communication Interface |
aci | 187 | udp | Application Communication Interface |
mumps | 188 | tcp | Plus Five's MUMPS |
mumps | 188 | udp | Plus Five's MUMPS |
qft | 189 | tcp | Queued File Transport |
qft | 189 | udp | Queued File Transport |
gacp | 190 | tcp | Gateway Access Control Protocol |
gacp | 190 | udp | Gateway Access Control Protocol |
gacp | 190 | udp | Gateway Access Control Protocol |
prospero | 191 | tcp | Prospero Directory Service |
prospero | 191 | udp | Prospero Directory Service |
osu-nms | 192 | tcp | OSU Network Monitoring System |
osu-nms | 192 | udp | OSU Network Monitoring System |
srmp | 193 | tcp | Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol |
srmp | 193 | udp | Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol |
irc | 194 | tcp | Internet Relay Chat Protocol |
irc | 194 | udp | Internet Relay Chat Protocol |
dn6-nlm-aud | 195 | tcp | DNSIX Network Level Module Audit |
dn6-nlm-aud | 195 | udp | DNSIX Network Level Module Audit |
dn6-smm-red | 196 | tcp | DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir |
dn6-smm-red | 196 | udp | DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir |
dls | 197 | tcp | Directory Location Service |
dls | 197 | udp | Directory Location Service |
dls-mon | 198 | tcp | Directory Location Service Monitor |
dls-mon | 198 | udp | Directory Location Service Monitor |
smux | 199 | tcp | SMUX |
smux | 199 | udp | SMUX |
src | 200 | tcp | IBM System Resource Controller |
src | 200 | udp | IBM System Resource Controller |
at-rtmp | 201 | tcp | AppleTalk Routing Maintenance |
at-rtmp | 201 | udp | AppleTalk Routing Maintenance |
at-nbp | 202 | tcp | AppleTalk Name Binding |
at-nbp | 202 | udp | AppleTalk Name Binding |
at-3 | 203 | tcp | AppleTalk Unused |
at-3 | 203 | udp | AppleTalk Unused |
at-echo | 204 | tcp | AppleTalk Echo |
at-echo | 204 | udp | AppleTalk Echo |
at-5 | 205 | tcp | AppleTalk Unused |
at-5 | 205 | udp | AppleTalk Unused |
at-zis | 206 | tcp | AppleTalk Zone Information |
at-zis | 206 | udp | AppleTalk Zone Information |
at-7 | 207 | tcp | AppleTalk Unused |
at-7 | 207 | udp | AppleTalk Unused |
at-8 | 208 | tcp | AppleTalk Unused |
at-8 | 208 | udp | AppleTalk Unused |
qmtp | 209 | tcp | The Quick Mail Transfer Protocol |
qmtp | 209 | udp | The Quick Mail Transfer Protocol |
z39-50 | 210 | tcp | ANSI Z39.50 IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "z39.50". |
z39.50 | 210 | tcp | ANSI Z39.50 |
z39-50 | 210 | udp | ANSI Z39.50 IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "z39.50". |
z39.50 | 210 | udp | ANSI Z39.50 |
914c-g | 211 | tcp | Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "914c/g". |
914c/g | 211 | tcp | Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal |
914c-g | 211 | udp | Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "914c/g". |
914c/g | 211 | udp | Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal |
anet | 212 | tcp | ATEXSSTR |
anet | 212 | udp | ATEXSSTR |
ipx | 213 | tcp | IPX |
ipx | 213 | udp | IPX |
vmpwscs | 214 | tcp | VM PWSCS |
vmpwscs | 214 | udp | VM PWSCS |
softpc | 215 | tcp | Insignia Solutions |
softpc | 215 | udp | Insignia Solutions |
CAIlic | 216 | tcp | Computer Associates Int'l License Server |
CAIlic | 216 | udp | Computer Associates Int'l License Server |
dbase | 217 | tcp | dBASE Unix |
dbase | 217 | udp | dBASE Unix |
mpp | 218 | tcp | Netix Message Posting Protocol |
mpp | 218 | udp | Netix Message Posting Protocol |
uarps | 219 | tcp | Unisys ARPs |
uarps | 219 | udp | Unisys ARPs |
imap3 | 220 | tcp | Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3 |
imap3 | 220 | udp | Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3 |
fln-spx | 221 | tcp | Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth |
fln-spx | 221 | udp | Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth |
rsh-spx | 222 | tcp | Berkeley rshd with SPX auth |
rsh-spx | 222 | udp | Berkeley rshd with SPX auth |
cdc | 223 | tcp | Certificate Distribution Center |
cdc | 223 | udp | Certificate Distribution Center |
masqdialer | 224 | tcp | masqdialer |
masqdialer | 224 | udp | masqdialer |
225-241 | Reserved | ||
direct | 242 | tcp | Direct |
direct | 242 | udp | Direct |
sur-meas | 243 | tcp | Survey Measurement |
sur-meas | 243 | udp | Survey Measurement |
inbusiness | 244 | tcp | inbusiness |
inbusiness | 244 | udp | inbusiness |
link | 245 | tcp | LINK |
link | 245 | udp | LINK |
dsp3270 | 246 | tcp | Display Systems Protocol |
dsp3270 | 246 | udp | Display Systems Protocol |
subntbcst-tftp | 247 | tcp | SUBNTBCST_TFTP IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "subntbcst_tftp". |
subntbcst_tftp | 247 | tcp | SUBNTBCST_TFTP |
subntbcst-tftp | 247 | udp | SUBNTBCST_TFTP IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "subntbcst_tftp". |
subntbcst_tftp | 247 | udp | SUBNTBCST_TFTP |
bhfhs | 248 | tcp | bhfhs |
bhfhs | 248 | udp | bhfhs |
249-255 | Reserved | ||
rap | 256 | tcp | RAP |
rap | 256 | udp | RAP |
set | 257 | tcp | Secure Electronic Transaction |
set | 257 | udp | Secure Electronic Transaction |
258 | Unassigned | ||
esro-gen | 259 | tcp | Efficient Short Remote Operations |
esro-gen | 259 | udp | Efficient Short Remote Operations |
openport | 260 | tcp | Openport |
openport | 260 | udp | Openport |
nsiiops | 261 | tcp | IIOP Name Service over TLS/SSL |
nsiiops | 261 | tcp | IIOP Name Service over TLS/SSL |
nsiiops | 261 | udp | IIOP Name Service over TLS/SSL |
arcisdms | 262 | tcp | Arcisdms |
arcisdms | 262 | udp | Arcisdms |
hdap | 263 | tcp | HDAP |
hdap | 263 | udp | HDAP |
bgmp | 264 | tcp | BGMP |
bgmp | 264 | udp | BGMP |
x-bone-ctl | 265 | tcp | X-Bone CTL |
x-bone-ctl | 265 | udp | X-Bone CTL |
sst | 266 | tcp | SCSI on ST |
sst | 266 | udp | SCSI on ST |
td-service | 267 | tcp | Tobit David Service Layer |
td-service | 267 | udp | Tobit David Service Layer |
td-replica | 268 | tcp | Tobit David Replica |
td-replica | 268 | udp | Tobit David Replica |
manet | 269 | tcp | MANET Protocols |
manet | 269 | udp | MANET Protocols |
270 | tcp | Reserved | |
gist | 270 | udp | Q-mode encapsulation for GIST messages |
pt-tls | 271 | tcp | IETF Network Endpoint Assessment (NEA) Posture Transport Protocol over TLS (PT-TLS) |
271 | udp | Reserved | |
272-279 | Unassigned | ||
http-mgmt | 280 | tcp | http-mgmt |
http-mgmt | 280 | udp | http-mgmt |
personal-link | 281 | tcp | Personal Link |
personal-link | 281 | udp | Personal Link |
cableport-ax | 282 | tcp | Cable Port A/X |
cableport-ax | 282 | udp | Cable Port A/X |
rescap | 283 | tcp | rescap |
rescap | 283 | udp | rescap |
corerjd | 284 | tcp | corerjd |
corerjd | 284 | udp | corerjd |
285 | Unassigned | ||
fxp | 286 | tcp | FXP Communication |
fxp | 286 | udp | FXP Communication |
k-block | 287 | tcp | K-BLOCK |
k-block | 287 | udp | K-BLOCK |
288-307 | Unassigned | ||
novastorbakcup | 308 | tcp | Novastor Backup |
novastorbakcup | 308 | udp | Novastor Backup |
entrusttime | 309 | tcp | EntrustTime |
entrusttime | 309 | udp | EntrustTime |
bhmds | 310 | tcp | bhmds |
bhmds | 310 | udp | bhmds |
asip-webadmin | 311 | tcp | AppleShare IP WebAdmin |
asip-webadmin | 311 | udp | AppleShare IP WebAdmin |
vslmp | 312 | tcp | VSLMP |
vslmp | 312 | udp | VSLMP |
magenta-logic | 313 | tcp | Magenta Logic |
magenta-logic | 313 | udp | Magenta Logic |
opalis-robot | 314 | tcp | Opalis Robot |
opalis-robot | 314 | udp | Opalis Robot |
dpsi | 315 | tcp | DPSI |
dpsi | 315 | udp | DPSI |
decauth | 316 | tcp | decAuth |
decauth | 316 | udp | decAuth |
zannet | 317 | tcp | Zannet |
zannet | 317 | udp | Zannet |
pkix-timestamp | 318 | tcp | PKIX TimeStamp |
pkix-timestamp | 318 | udp | PKIX TimeStamp |
ptp-event | 319 | tcp | PTP Event |
ptp-event | 319 | udp | PTP Event |
ptp-general | 320 | tcp | PTP General |
ptp-general | 320 | udp | PTP General |
pip | 321 | tcp | PIP |
pip | 321 | udp | PIP |
rtsps | 322 | tcp | RTSPS |
rtsps | 322 | udp | RTSPS |
rpki-rtr | 323 | tcp | Resource PKI to Router Protocol |
323 | udp | Reserved | |
rpki-rtr-tls | 324 | tcp | Resource PKI to Router Protocol over TLS |
324 | udp | Reserved | |
325-332 | Unassigned | ||
texar | 333 | tcp | Texar Security Port |
texar | 333 | udp | Texar Security Port |
334-343 | Unassigned | ||
pdap | 344 | tcp | Prospero Data Access Protocol |
pdap | 344 | udp | Prospero Data Access Protocol |
pawserv | 345 | tcp | Perf Analysis Workbench |
pawserv | 345 | udp | Perf Analysis Workbench |
zserv | 346 | tcp | Zebra server |
zserv | 346 | udp | Zebra server |
fatserv | 347 | tcp | Fatmen Server |
fatserv | 347 | udp | Fatmen Server |
csi-sgwp | 348 | tcp | Cabletron Management Protocol |
csi-sgwp | 348 | udp | Cabletron Management Protocol |
mftp | 349 | tcp | mftp |
mftp | 349 | udp | mftp |
matip-type-a | 350 | tcp | MATIP Type A |
matip-type-a | 350 | udp | MATIP Type A |
matip-type-b | 351 | tcp | MATIP Type B |
matip-type-b | 351 | udp | MATIP Type B |
bhoetty | 351 | tcp | bhoetty |
bhoetty | 351 | udp | bhoetty |
dtag-ste-sb | 352 | tcp | DTAG |
dtag-ste-sb | 352 | udp | DTAG |
bhoedap4 | 352 | tcp | bhoedap4 |
bhoedap4 | 352 | udp | bhoedap4 |
ndsauth | 353 | tcp | NDSAUTH |
ndsauth | 353 | udp | NDSAUTH |
ndsauth | 353 | udp | NDSAUTH |
bh611 | 354 | tcp | bh611 |
bh611 | 354 | udp | bh611 |
datex-asn | 355 | tcp | DATEX-ASN |
datex-asn | 355 | udp | DATEX-ASN |
cloanto-net-1 | 356 | tcp | Cloanto Net 1 |
cloanto-net-1 | 356 | udp | Cloanto Net 1 |
bhevent | 357 | tcp | bhevent |
bhevent | 357 | udp | bhevent |
shrinkwrap | 358 | tcp | Shrinkwrap |
shrinkwrap | 358 | udp | Shrinkwrap |
nsrmp | 359 | tcp | Network Security Risk Management Protocol |
nsrmp | 359 | udp | Network Security Risk Management Protocol |
scoi2odialog | 360 | tcp | scoi2odialog |
scoi2odialog | 360 | udp | scoi2odialog |
semantix | 361 | tcp | Semantix |
semantix | 361 | udp | Semantix |
srssend | 362 | tcp | SRS Send |
srssend | 362 | udp | SRS Send |
rsvp-tunnel | 363 | tcp | RSVP Tunnel IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "rsvp_tunnel". |
rsvp_tunnel | 363 | tcp | RSVP Tunnel |
rsvp-tunnel | 363 | udp | RSVP Tunnel IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "rsvp_tunnel". |
rsvp_tunnel | 363 | udp | RSVP Tunnel |
aurora-cmgr | 364 | tcp | Aurora CMGR |
aurora-cmgr | 364 | udp | Aurora CMGR |
dtk | 365 | tcp | DTK |
dtk | 365 | udp | DTK |
odmr | 366 | tcp | ODMR |
odmr | 366 | udp | ODMR |
mortgageware | 367 | tcp | MortgageWare |
mortgageware | 367 | udp | MortgageWare |
qbikgdp | 368 | tcp | QbikGDP |
qbikgdp | 368 | udp | QbikGDP |
rpc2portmap | 369 | tcp | rpc2portmap |
rpc2portmap | 369 | udp | rpc2portmap |
codaauth2 | 370 | tcp | codaauth2 |
codaauth2 | 370 | udp | codaauth2 |
clearcase | 371 | tcp | Clearcase |
clearcase | 371 | udp | Clearcase |
ulistproc | 372 | tcp | ListProcessor |
ulistproc | 372 | udp | ListProcessor |
legent-1 | 373 | tcp | Legent Corporation |
legent-1 | 373 | udp | Legent Corporation |
legent-2 | 374 | tcp | Legent Corporation |
legent-2 | 374 | udp | Legent Corporation |
hassle | 375 | tcp | Hassle |
hassle | 375 | udp | Hassle |
nip | 376 | tcp | Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto |
nip | 376 | udp | Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto |
tnETOS | 377 | tcp | NEC Corporation |
tnETOS | 377 | udp | NEC Corporation |
dsETOS | 378 | tcp | NEC Corporation |
dsETOS | 378 | udp | NEC Corporation |
is99c | 379 | tcp | TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client |
is99c | 379 | udp | TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client |
is99s | 380 | tcp | TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server |
is99s | 380 | udp | TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server |
hp-collector | 381 | tcp | hp performance data collector |
hp-collector | 381 | udp | hp performance data collector |
hp-managed-node | 382 | tcp | hp performance data managed node |
hp-managed-node | 382 | udp | hp performance data managed node |
hp-alarm-mgr | 383 | tcp | hp performance data alarm manager |
hp-alarm-mgr | 383 | udp | hp performance data alarm manager |
arns | 384 | tcp | A Remote Network Server System |
arns | 384 | udp | A Remote Network Server System |
ibm-app | 385 | tcp | IBM Application |
ibm-app | 385 | udp | IBM Application |
asa | 386 | tcp | ASA Message Router Object Def. |
asa | 386 | udp | ASA Message Router Object Def. |
aurp | 387 | tcp | Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro. |
aurp | 387 | udp | Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro. |
unidata-ldm | 388 | tcp | Unidata LDM |
unidata-ldm | 388 | udp | Unidata LDM |
ldap | 389 | tcp | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol |
ldap | 389 | udp | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol |
uis | 390 | tcp | UIS |
uis | 390 | udp | UIS |
synotics-relay | 391 | tcp | SynOptics SNMP Relay Port |
synotics-relay | 391 | udp | SynOptics SNMP Relay Port |
synotics-broker | 392 | tcp | SynOptics Port Broker Port |
synotics-broker | 392 | udp | SynOptics Port Broker Port |
meta5 | 393 | tcp | Meta5 |
meta5 | 393 | udp | Meta5 |
embl-ndt | 394 | tcp | EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer |
embl-ndt | 394 | udp | EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer |
netcp | 395 | tcp | NetScout Control Protocol |
netcp | 395 | udp | NetScout Control Protocol |
netware-ip | 396 | tcp | Novell Netware over IP |
netware-ip | 396 | udp | Novell Netware over IP |
mptn | 397 | tcp | Multi Protocol Trans. Net. |
mptn | 397 | udp | Multi Protocol Trans. Net. |
kryptolan | 398 | tcp | Kryptolan |
kryptolan | 398 | udp | Kryptolan |
iso-tsap-c2 | 399 | tcp | ISO Transport Class 2 Non-Control over TCP |
iso-tsap-c2 | 399 | udp | ISO Transport Class 2 Non-Control over UDP |
osb-sd | 400 | tcp | Oracle Secure Backup |
osb-sd | 400 | udp | Oracle Secure Backup |
ups | 401 | tcp | Uninterruptible Power Supply |
ups | 401 | udp | Uninterruptible Power Supply |
genie | 402 | tcp | Genie Protocol |
genie | 402 | udp | Genie Protocol |
genie | 402 | udp | Genie Protocol |
decap | 403 | tcp | decap |
decap | 403 | udp | decap |
nced | 404 | tcp | nced |
nced | 404 | udp | nced |
ncld | 405 | tcp | ncld |
ncld | 405 | udp | ncld |
imsp | 406 | tcp | Interactive Support Protocol |
imsp | 406 | udp | Interactive Mail Support Protocol |
timbuktu | 407 | tcp | Timbuktu |
timbuktu | 407 | udp | Timbuktu |
prm-sm | 408 | tcp | Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man. |
prm-sm | 408 | udp | Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man. |
prm-nm | 409 | tcp | Prospero Resource Manager Node Man. |
prm-nm | 409 | udp | Prospero Resource Manager Node Man. |
decladebug | 410 | tcp | DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol |
decladebug | 410 | udp | DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol |
rmt | 411 | tcp | Remote MT Protocol |
rmt | 411 | udp | Remote MT Protocol |
synoptics-trap | 412 | tcp | Trap Convention Port |
synoptics-trap | 412 | udp | Trap Convention Port |
smsp | 413 | tcp | Storage Management Services Protocol |
smsp | 413 | udp | Storage Management Services Protocol |
infoseek | 414 | tcp | InfoSeek |
infoseek | 414 | udp | InfoSeek |
bnet | 415 | tcp | BNet |
bnet | 415 | udp | BNet |
silverplatter | 416 | tcp | Silverplatter |
silverplatter | 416 | udp | Silverplatter |
onmux | 417 | tcp | Onmux |
onmux | 417 | udp | Onmux |
hyper-g | 418 | tcp | Hyper-G |
hyper-g | 418 | udp | Hyper-G |
ariel1 | 419 | tcp | Ariel 1 |
ariel1 | 419 | udp | Ariel 1 |
smpte | 420 | tcp | SMPTE |
smpte | 420 | udp | SMPTE |
ariel2 | 421 | tcp | Ariel 2 |
ariel2 | 421 | udp | Ariel 2 |
ariel3 | 422 | tcp | Ariel 3 |
ariel3 | 422 | udp | Ariel 3 |
opc-job-start | 423 | tcp | IBM Operations Planning and Control Start |
opc-job-start | 423 | udp | IBM Operations Planning and Control Start |
opc-job-track | 424 | tcp | IBM Operations Planning and Control Track |
opc-job-track | 424 | udp | IBM Operations Planning and Control Track |
icad-el | 425 | tcp | ICAD |
icad-el | 425 | udp | ICAD |
smartsdp | 426 | tcp | smartsdp |
smartsdp | 426 | udp | smartsdp |
svrloc | 427 | tcp | Server Location |
svrloc | 427 | udp | Server Location |
ocs-cmu | 428 | tcp | OCS_CMU IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "ocs_cmu". |
ocs_cmu | 428 | tcp | OCS_CMU |
ocs-cmu | 428 | udp | OCS_CMU IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "ocs_cmu". |
ocs_cmu | 428 | udp | OCS_CMU |
ocs-amu | 429 | tcp | OCS_AMU IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "ocs_amu". |
ocs_amu | 429 | tcp | OCS_AMU |
ocs-amu | 429 | udp | OCS_AMU IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "ocs_amu". |
ocs_amu | 429 | udp | OCS_AMU |
utmpsd | 430 | tcp | UTMPSD |
utmpsd | 430 | udp | UTMPSD |
utmpcd | 431 | tcp | UTMPCD |
utmpcd | 431 | udp | UTMPCD |
iasd | 432 | tcp | IASD |
iasd | 432 | udp | IASD |
nnsp | 433 | tcp | NNTP for transit servers (NNSP) |
nnsp | 433 | udp | NNTP for transit servers (NNSP) |
mobileip-agent | 434 | tcp | MobileIP-Agent |
mobileip-agent | 434 | udp | MobileIP-Agent |
mobilip-mn | 435 | tcp | MobilIP-MN |
mobilip-mn | 435 | udp | MobilIP-MN |
dna-cml | 436 | tcp | DNA-CML |
dna-cml | 436 | udp | DNA-CML |
comscm | 437 | tcp | comscm |
comscm | 437 | udp | comscm |
dsfgw | 438 | tcp | dsfgw |
dsfgw | 438 | udp | dsfgw |
dasp | 439 | tcp | dasp |
dasp | 439 | udp | dasp |
sgcp | 440 | tcp | sgcp |
sgcp | 440 | udp | sgcp |
decvms-sysmgt | 441 | tcp | decvms-sysmgt |
decvms-sysmgt | 441 | udp | decvms-sysmgt |
cvc-hostd | 442 | tcp | cvc_hostd IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "cvc_hostd". |
cvc_hostd | 442 | tcp | cvc_hostd |
cvc-hostd | 442 | udp | cvc_hostd IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "cvc_hostd". |
cvc_hostd | 442 | udp | cvc_hostd |
https | 443 | tcp | http protocol over TLS/SSL |
https | 443 | udp | http protocol over TLS/SSL |
https | 443 | sctp | HTTPS |
snpp | 444 | tcp | Simple Network Paging Protocol |
snpp | 444 | udp | Simple Network Paging Protocol |
microsoft-ds | 445 | tcp | Microsoft-DS |
microsoft-ds | 445 | udp | Microsoft-DS |
ddm-rdb | 446 | tcp | DDM-Remote Relational Database Access |
ddm-rdb | 446 | udp | DDM-Remote Relational Database Access |
ddm-dfm | 447 | tcp | DDM-Distributed File Management |
ddm-dfm | 447 | udp | DDM-Distributed File Management |
ddm-ssl | 448 | tcp | DDM-Remote DB Access Using Secure Sockets |
ddm-ssl | 448 | udp | DDM-Remote DB Access Using Secure Sockets |
as-servermap | 449 | tcp | AS Server Mapper |
as-servermap | 449 | tcp | AS Server Mapper |
as-servermap | 449 | udp | AS Server Mapper |
tserver | 450 | tcp | Computer Supported Telecomunication Applications |
tserver | 450 | udp | Computer Supported Telecomunication Applications |
sfs-smp-net | 451 | tcp | Cray Network Semaphore server |
sfs-smp-net | 451 | udp | Cray Network Semaphore server |
sfs-config | 452 | tcp | Cray SFS config server |
sfs-config | 452 | udp | Cray SFS config server |
creativeserver | 453 | tcp | CreativeServer |
creativeserver | 453 | udp | CreativeServer |
contentserver | 454 | tcp | ContentServer |
contentserver | 454 | udp | ContentServer |
creativepartnr | 455 | tcp | CreativePartnr |
creativepartnr | 455 | udp | CreativePartnr |
macon-tcp | 456 | tcp | macon-tcp |
macon-udp | 456 | udp | macon-udp |
scohelp | 457 | tcp | scohelp |
scohelp | 457 | udp | scohelp |
appleqtc | 458 | tcp | apple quick time |
appleqtc | 458 | udp | apple quick time |
ampr-rcmd | 459 | tcp | ampr-rcmd |
ampr-rcmd | 459 | udp | ampr-rcmd |
skronk | 460 | tcp | skronk |
skronk | 460 | udp | skronk |
datasurfsrv | 461 | tcp | DataRampSrv |
datasurfsrv | 461 | udp | DataRampSrv |
datasurfsrvsec | 462 | tcp | DataRampSrvSec |
datasurfsrvsec | 462 | udp | DataRampSrvSec |
alpes | 463 | tcp | alpes |
alpes | 463 | udp | alpes |
kpasswd | 464 | tcp | kpasswd |
kpasswd | 464 | udp | kpasswd |
urd | 465 | tcp | URL Rendesvous Directory for SSM |
submissions | 465 | tcp | Message Submission over TLS protocol |
igmpv3lite | 465 | udp | IGMP over UDP for SSM |
digital-vrc | 466 | tcp | digital-vrc |
digital-vrc | 466 | udp | digital-vrc |
mylex-mapd | 467 | tcp | mylex-mapd |
mylex-mapd | 467 | udp | mylex-mapd |
photuris | 468 | tcp | proturis |
photuris | 468 | udp | proturis |
rcp | 469 | tcp | Radio Control Protocol |
rcp | 469 | udp | Radio Control Protocol |
scx-proxy | 470 | tcp | scx-proxy |
scx-proxy | 470 | udp | scx-proxy |
mondex | 471 | tcp | Mondex |
mondex | 471 | udp | Mondex |
ljk-login | 472 | tcp | ljk-login |
ljk-login | 472 | udp | ljk-login |
hybrid-pop | 473 | tcp | hybrid-pop |
hybrid-pop | 473 | udp | hybrid-pop |
tn-tl-w1 | 474 | tcp | tn-tl-w1 |
tn-tl-w2 | 474 | udp | tn-tl-w2 |
tcpnethaspsrv | 475 | tcp | tcpnethaspsrv |
tcpnethaspsrv | 475 | udp | tcpnethaspsrv |
tn-tl-fd1 | 476 | tcp | tn-tl-fd1 |
tn-tl-fd1 | 476 | udp | tn-tl-fd1 |
ss7ns | 477 | tcp | ss7ns |
ss7ns | 477 | udp | ss7ns |
spsc | 478 | tcp | spsc |
spsc | 478 | udp | spsc |
iafserver | 479 | tcp | iafserver |
iafserver | 479 | udp | iafserver |
iafdbase | 480 | tcp | iafdbase |
iafdbase | 480 | udp | iafdbase |
ph | 481 | tcp | Ph service |
ph | 481 | udp | Ph service |
bgs-nsi | 482 | tcp | bgs-nsi |
bgs-nsi | 482 | udp | bgs-nsi |
ulpnet | 483 | tcp | ulpnet |
ulpnet | 483 | udp | ulpnet |
integra-sme | 484 | tcp | Integra Software Management Environment |
integra-sme | 484 | udp | Integra Software Management Environment |
powerburst | 485 | tcp | Air Soft Power Burst |
powerburst | 485 | udp | Air Soft Power Burst |
avian | 486 | tcp | avian |
avian | 486 | udp | avian |
saft | 487 | tcp | saft Simple Asynchronous File Transfer |
saft | 487 | udp | saft Simple Asynchronous File Transfer |
gss-http | 488 | tcp | gss-http |
gss-http | 488 | udp | gss-http |
nest-protocol | 489 | tcp | nest-protocol |
nest-protocol | 489 | udp | nest-protocol |
micom-pfs | 490 | tcp | micom-pfs |
micom-pfs | 490 | udp | micom-pfs |
go-login | 491 | tcp | go-login |
go-login | 491 | udp | go-login |
ticf-1 | 492 | tcp | Transport Independent Convergence for FNA |
ticf-1 | 492 | udp | Transport Independent Convergence for FNA |
ticf-2 | 493 | tcp | Transport Independent Convergence for FNA |
ticf-2 | 493 | udp | Transport Independent Convergence for FNA |
pov-ray | 494 | tcp | POV-Ray |
pov-ray | 494 | udp | POV-Ray |
intecourier | 495 | tcp | intecourier |
intecourier | 495 | udp | intecourier |
pim-rp-disc | 496 | tcp | PIM-RP-DISC |
pim-rp-disc | 496 | udp | PIM-RP-DISC |
retrospect | 497 | tcp | Retrospect backup and restore service |
retrospect | 497 | udp | Retrospect backup and restore service |
siam | 498 | tcp | siam |
siam | 498 | udp | siam |
siam | 498 | udp | siam |
iso-ill | 499 | tcp | ISO ILL Protocol |
iso-ill | 499 | udp | ISO ILL Protocol |
isakmp | 500 | tcp | isakmp |
isakmp | 500 | udp | isakmp |
stmf | 501 | tcp | STMF |
stmf | 501 | udp | STMF |
mbap | 502 | tcp | Modbus Application Protocol |
mbap | 502 | udp | Modbus Application Protocol |
intrinsa | 503 | tcp | Intrinsa |
intrinsa | 503 | udp | Intrinsa |
citadel | 504 | tcp | citadel |
citadel | 504 | udp | citadel |
mailbox-lm | 505 | tcp | mailbox-lm |
mailbox-lm | 505 | udp | mailbox-lm |
ohimsrv | 506 | tcp | ohimsrv |
ohimsrv | 506 | udp | ohimsrv |
crs | 507 | tcp | crs |
crs | 507 | udp | crs |
xvttp | 508 | tcp | xvttp |
xvttp | 508 | udp | xvttp |
snare | 509 | tcp | snare |
snare | 509 | udp | snare |
fcp | 510 | tcp | FirstClass Protocol |
fcp | 510 | udp | FirstClass Protocol |
passgo | 511 | tcp | PassGo |
passgo | 511 | udp | PassGo |
exec | 512 | tcp | remote process execution; authentication performed using passwords and UNIX login names |
comsat | 512 | udp | |
biff | 512 | udp | used by mail system to notify users of new mail received; currently receives messages only from processes on the same machine |
login | 513 | tcp | remote login a la telnet; automatic authentication performed based on priviledged port numbers and distributed data bases which identify "authentication domains" |
who | 513 | udp | maintains data bases showing who's logged in to machines on a local net and the load average of the machine |
shell | 514 | tcp | cmd like exec, but automatic authentication is performed as for login server |
syslog | 514 | udp | |
printer | 515 | tcp | spooler |
printer | 515 | udp | spooler |
videotex | 516 | tcp | videotex |
videotex | 516 | udp | videotex |
talk | 517 | tcp | like tenex link, but across machine - unfortunately, doesn't use link protocol (this is actually just a rendezvous port from which a tcp connection is established) |
talk | 517 | udp | like tenex link, but across machine - unfortunately, doesn't use link protocol (this is actually just a rendezvous port from which a tcp connection is established) |
ntalk | 518 | tcp | |
ntalk | 518 | udp | |
utime | 519 | tcp | unixtime |
utime | 519 | udp | unixtime |
efs | 520 | tcp | extended file name server |
router | 520 | udp | local routing process (on site); uses variant of Xerox NS routing information protocol - RIP |
ripng | 521 | tcp | ripng |
ripng | 521 | udp | ripng |
ulp | 522 | tcp | ULP |
ulp | 522 | udp | ULP |
ibm-db2 | 523 | tcp | IBM-DB2 |
ibm-db2 | 523 | udp | IBM-DB2 |
ncp | 524 | tcp | NCP |
ncp | 524 | udp | NCP |
timed | 525 | tcp | timeserver |
timed | 525 | udp | timeserver |
tempo | 526 | tcp | newdate |
tempo | 526 | udp | newdate |
stx | 527 | tcp | Stock IXChange |
stx | 527 | udp | Stock IXChange |
custix | 528 | tcp | Customer IXChange |
custix | 528 | udp | Customer IXChange |
irc-serv | 529 | tcp | IRC-SERV |
irc-serv | 529 | udp | IRC-SERV |
courier | 530 | tcp | rpc |
courier | 530 | udp | rpc |
conference | 531 | tcp | chat |
conference | 531 | udp | chat |
netnews | 532 | tcp | readnews |
netnews | 532 | udp | readnews |
netwall | 533 | tcp | for emergency broadcasts |
netwall | 533 | udp | for emergency broadcasts |
windream | 534 | tcp | windream Admin |
windream | 534 | udp | windream Admin |
iiop | 535 | tcp | iiop |
iiop | 535 | udp | iiop |
opalis-rdv | 536 | tcp | opalis-rdv |
opalis-rdv | 536 | udp | opalis-rdv |
nmsp | 537 | tcp | Networked Media Streaming Protocol |
nmsp | 537 | udp | Networked Media Streaming Protocol |
gdomap | 538 | tcp | gdomap |
gdomap | 538 | udp | gdomap |
apertus-ldp | 539 | tcp | Apertus Technologies Load Determination |
apertus-ldp | 539 | udp | Apertus Technologies Load Determination |
uucp | 540 | tcp | uucpd |
uucp | 540 | udp | uucpd |
uucp-rlogin | 541 | tcp | uucp-rlogin |
uucp-rlogin | 541 | udp | uucp-rlogin |
commerce | 542 | tcp | commerce |
commerce | 542 | udp | commerce |
klogin | 543 | tcp | |
klogin | 543 | udp | |
kshell | 544 | tcp | krcmd |
kshell | 544 | udp | krcmd |
appleqtcsrvr | 545 | tcp | appleqtcsrvr |
appleqtcsrvr | 545 | udp | appleqtcsrvr |
dhcpv6-client | 546 | tcp | DHCPv6 Client |
dhcpv6-client | 546 | udp | DHCPv6 Client |
dhcpv6-server | 547 | tcp | DHCPv6 Server |
dhcpv6-server | 547 | udp | DHCPv6 Server |
afpovertcp | 548 | tcp | AFP over TCP |
afpovertcp | 548 | tcp | AFP over TCP |
afpovertcp | 548 | udp | AFP over TCP |
idfp | 549 | tcp | IDFP |
idfp | 549 | udp | IDFP |
new-rwho | 550 | tcp | new-who |
new-rwho | 550 | udp | new-who |
cybercash | 551 | tcp | cybercash |
cybercash | 551 | udp | cybercash |
devshr-nts | 552 | tcp | DeviceShare |
devshr-nts | 552 | udp | DeviceShare |
pirp | 553 | tcp | pirp |
pirp | 553 | udp | pirp |
rtsp | 554 | tcp | Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) |
rtsp | 554 | udp | Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) |
dsf | 555 | tcp | |
dsf | 555 | udp | |
remotefs | 556 | tcp | rfs server |
remotefs | 556 | udp | rfs server |
openvms-sysipc | 557 | tcp | openvms-sysipc |
openvms-sysipc | 557 | udp | openvms-sysipc |
sdnskmp | 558 | tcp | SDNSKMP |
sdnskmp | 558 | udp | SDNSKMP |
teedtap | 559 | tcp | TEEDTAP |
teedtap | 559 | udp | TEEDTAP |
rmonitor | 560 | tcp | rmonitord |
rmonitor | 560 | udp | rmonitord |
monitor | 561 | tcp | |
monitor | 561 | udp | |
chshell | 562 | tcp | chcmd |
chshell | 562 | udp | chcmd |
nntps | 563 | tcp | nntp protocol over TLS/SSL (was snntp) |
nntps | 563 | udp | nntp protocol over TLS/SSL (was snntp) |
9pfs | 564 | tcp | plan 9 file service |
9pfs | 564 | udp | plan 9 file service |
whoami | 565 | tcp | whoami |
whoami | 565 | udp | whoami |
streettalk | 566 | tcp | streettalk |
streettalk | 566 | udp | streettalk |
banyan-rpc | 567 | tcp | banyan-rpc |
banyan-rpc | 567 | udp | banyan-rpc |
ms-shuttle | 568 | tcp | microsoft shuttle |
ms-shuttle | 568 | udp | microsoft shuttle |
ms-rome | 569 | tcp | microsoft rome |
ms-rome | 569 | udp | microsoft rome |
meter | 570 | tcp | demon |
meter | 570 | udp | demon |
meter | 571 | tcp | udemon |
meter | 571 | udp | udemon |
sonar | 572 | tcp | sonar |
sonar | 572 | udp | sonar |
banyan-vip | 573 | tcp | banyan-vip |
banyan-vip | 573 | udp | banyan-vip |
ftp-agent | 574 | tcp | FTP Software Agent System |
ftp-agent | 574 | udp | FTP Software Agent System |
vemmi | 575 | tcp | VEMMI |
vemmi | 575 | udp | VEMMI |
ipcd | 576 | tcp | ipcd |
ipcd | 576 | udp | ipcd |
vnas | 577 | tcp | vnas |
vnas | 577 | udp | vnas |
ipdd | 578 | tcp | ipdd |
ipdd | 578 | udp | ipdd |
decbsrv | 579 | tcp | decbsrv |
decbsrv | 579 | udp | decbsrv |
sntp-heartbeat | 580 | tcp | SNTP HEARTBEAT |
sntp-heartbeat | 580 | udp | SNTP HEARTBEAT |
bdp | 581 | tcp | Bundle Discovery Protocol |
bdp | 581 | udp | Bundle Discovery Protocol |
scc-security | 582 | tcp | SCC Security |
scc-security | 582 | udp | SCC Security |
philips-vc | 583 | tcp | Philips Video-Conferencing |
philips-vc | 583 | udp | Philips Video-Conferencing |
keyserver | 584 | tcp | Key Server |
keyserver | 584 | udp | Key Server |
585 | De-registered | ||
password-chg | 586 | tcp | Password Change |
password-chg | 586 | udp | Password Change |
submission | 587 | tcp | Message Submission |
submission | 587 | udp | Message Submission |
cal | 588 | tcp | CAL |
cal | 588 | udp | CAL |
eyelink | 589 | tcp | EyeLink |
eyelink | 589 | udp | EyeLink |
tns-cml | 590 | tcp | TNS CML |
tns-cml | 590 | udp | TNS CML |
http-alt | 591 | tcp | FileMaker, Inc. - HTTP Alternate (see Port 80) |
http-alt | 591 | udp | FileMaker, Inc. - HTTP Alternate (see Port 80) |
eudora-set | 592 | tcp | Eudora Set |
eudora-set | 592 | udp | Eudora Set |
http-rpc-epmap | 593 | tcp | HTTP RPC Ep Map |
http-rpc-epmap | 593 | udp | HTTP RPC Ep Map |
tpip | 594 | tcp | TPIP |
tpip | 594 | udp | TPIP |
cab-protocol | 595 | tcp | CAB Protocol |
cab-protocol | 595 | udp | CAB Protocol |
smsd | 596 | tcp | SMSD |
smsd | 596 | udp | SMSD |
ptcnameservice | 597 | tcp | PTC Name Service |
ptcnameservice | 597 | udp | PTC Name Service |
sco-websrvrmg3 | 598 | tcp | SCO Web Server Manager 3 |
sco-websrvrmg3 | 598 | udp | SCO Web Server Manager 3 |
FTP - File Transfer Protocol | TCP | Ports 20,(*21 ) | SSH - Secure Shell | TCP | Port 22 | |
Telnet | TCP | Port 23 | SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol | TCP | Port 25 | |
HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol | TCP | Port 80 | POP3 - Post Office Protocol 3 | TCP | Port 110 | |
SSL - Secure Socket Layer | TCP | Port 443 | DHCP - Dynamic Host Control Protocol | UDP | Ports 67 and 68 | |
TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Protocol | UDP | Port 69 | SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol | UDP | Port 161 | |
DNS - Domain Name Service | TCP,UDP | Port 53 | Port(s) reserved for private mail systems | TCP, UDP | Port 24 | |
Telnet | . | 23 | NNTP | . | 119 | |
NTP | . | 123 | IMAP4 | . | 143. | |
HTTPS | . | 443 | . . . |
It has been told that to memorize lists, make it is easier to memorize ( just as domain names are easier to memorize by giving some vernacular meaning to the IP number such as instead of 8751578753987529.684) reference the list with some phrase or image.
(phrase modified from others)These are the most common protocols and port numbers. As such most certification exams will expect a person to know them and be familar with their function. . Here is a short description.
The function and port number used by a number of common services are a must to memorize for the network engineer. The knowledge of these port numbers, protocols and functions will help with network function, troubleshooting and security. Seeing an usual activity on an unknown port while watching wire shark report should put a person on alert! Is it the Russians?
TCP/UDP Port Number Description
FTP is used as its name indicates. File Transfer Protocol transfer of computer files between the clients computer and server on a computer network. FTP is used with great frequency. Used both upon the Internet and upon private networks. FTP is often used to transfer single to large volume of website files at a session . FTP utilizes TCP port 21 and its data transfer can use TCP port 20 as well as dynamic ports depending on the specific configuration.
communicates crytographically, thus if somebody taps into the network or read the packets they will not easly understand what is being transmited. This is designed as a replacement for telnet. This method is often used to manage network devices remotely securely at the command level.
Telnet was developed in the 1960s and has been a primary method used to manage network devices at the command level. However the communication is prue ascii text easlily readable if sniffed. Telnet has given ground to SSH which is encryted. Yet some low level network devices support Telnet and not as of yet SSH which requires some additional processing.
SMTP Simple MAil Transfer Protocol is an internet standard for email transmission. Primary function, it is used to transfer mail (email) from source to destination between mail servers and it is used by end users to send email to a mail system. Currently most client applications are using either IMAP ( Internet Message Access Protocol) or POP3 (Post Office Protocol ).
The DNS (Domain Name System) is a naming system for that which is connected to the internet. Most beknown for translating the local vernacular recognizable name into a numbered address that computers can use which we know as the ip address. The names have a hieratical structure example third.second.1st or the com in this name is the top level domain, the immenselyamazing marketing is the second level and the Dave would be the third level. (Orginally association with top level companies such as .arpa, .csnet. .bitnet. uucp) We recognize the extension as: .com, .net, .edu, .gov .mil, .org, recently this list was greatly expanded to accomadate the growth of the internet. DNS can also be set up on private network systems insolated from the broader Internet.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is used on network systems to asign IP address to devices without manual human intervention. A device such as a computer or printer will make a request. A listening DHCP server will respond and offer an address from a pool of addresses(if available). This server would have been prepared by the system administrator or engineer. The assigned address has to be renewed at predetremine intervals.
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) because of its small size is ideal for the initial stages of network booting. A method of file transfer without the session establishment requirements that FTP uses. Because TFTP uses UDP instead of TCP it has no way of ensuring the file has been properly transferred, the end device must be able to check the file to ensure proper transfer. TFTP is typically used by devices to upgrade software and firmware; this includes Cisco and other network vendors’ equipment.
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a application layer protocol which is comprised of marks up data which after being translated by browers tells browers how and what to display. Developed by Tim Berners-Lee associated with CERN in 1980. The most commonly used protocols on most networks.
POP version 3 (Post Office Protocol) is a application layer protocol used to retrieve mail from a server. POP was designed to be very simple by allowing a client to retrieve the complete contents of a server mailbox and then deleting the contents from the server.
NTP (Network Time Protocol) is used to synchronize the clock of devices on the Internet. Being in operation since 1985 make it the oldest protocol still in use. Developed by David L Mills of University of Delaware. a NTP client with multi poll servers on deverse networks to synchonize its clock. During this process the client will compute the delay of recieving the information.
NetBIOS ( Network Basic Input/Output System.) a layer 5 or session layer protocol service. NetBios had been used to resolve hostnames on Microsoft operating systems till Microsoft adopted the Domain Name System. itself is not a protocol but is typically used in combination with IP with the NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NBT) protocol. NBT has long been the central protocol used to interconnect Microsoft Windows machines. NetBios also provides Datagram distribution service for connectionless communications and session service of connection-oriented communications.
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol )version3 is a widely supported protocol used to retrieve mail from a server. Original objective of having multiple client access and manage single email accounts, therefore messages are not deleted from the server until explicitly done so. IMAP supports a great array of remote mailbox operations.
SNMP is used by network administrators as a method of network management. If you are familar with a smart home transfer that premise to having a smart network. A network that is capabable of monitoring it self and adjusting or page you if you are needed. SNMP has a number of different abilities including the ability to monitor, configure and control network devices. SNMP traps can also be configured on network devices to notify a central server when specific actions are occurring. Typically, these are configured to be used when an alerting condition is happening. In this situation, the device will send a trap to network management stating that an event has occurred and that the device should be looked at further for a source to the event.
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) as a exterior gateway protocol it collects routes or reachability for other networks. Internet Service Providers (ISP) BGP to maintain very large routing tables and traffic processing. BGP is known as a path vector protocol as well as a distance vector routing protocol in addition to the rule-sets configured by the network engineer indicates how this is used by the router to make core routing decisions.
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