IT Security

Are the Russian bear's hackers looking at you?

Just a few of the companies
that recently have been attack, invaded by a hacker

I am told there are two types of computers users. Those that know they have been hack and those that have yet to discover they have been hacked.

Open house come see and hear

See Website for dates of our

Information Sessions / Openhouse

You are cordially invited to experience the Abundant School Information Session & Open House of November. Invest an hour and see first-hand the many training and employment opportunities available at the only faith base career and technical education the state of New Jersey.

In the year 2016 the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that Computer Support Specialist jobs within the USA:

Business Office: 856-324-0430
Business Facsimile: 856-452-5278
Abundant School
Business Office/Campus
2201 NJ 38, 8th Floor,
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002

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